03 February 2010


I like to complain.
(DieselDaddy might say I love to bitch)

People seem to have no problem complaining, but rarely give compliments.  I have been trying to give more compliments (who couldn't use a pat on the back occasionally).  I've sent emails to:

Kashi - love their GOLEAN Honey Almond Flax cereal, it doesn't get mushy in milk.

Keen - I love my Seattle shoes.  I have worn them (almost) everyday for almost 3 years. I had to check Zappos to see when I ordered them (4/07).

GudonyaToo - love their deodorant and Salty Dawg shampoo. (deodorant review to come....)

BioKleen - love the dishwasher detergent. it smell fresh and clean and actually cleans the dishes!

- CVS - this was actually a complaint.  they never have sale items stocked (errr!) and there is a checker who is a real jerk.  One night he refused to give me a bag. I had to carry two 2L of Coke home in my arms as I walked thru the park.  Last night he refused to let me use a coupon that Cocoa-Cola mailed me for a free 12-pack. 

I'll add more as I send 'em....

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